
Basic usage

To use Gearthonic in a project:

from gearthonic import GearClient
# Initialise the client with the host and port of your homegear server
gc = GearClient('', 2003)
# Now you can make your requests
gc.device.get_value(1, 4, 'ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE')

All methods are already implemented within the client to make it easy to use. You don’t have to lookup all methods and their parameters, just look at the code or see Method Reference.

Alternatively you can call any method directly via the client or use the generic ‘’call’‘-method:

gc.getValue(1, 4, 'ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE')'system.listDevices')'getValue', 1, 4, 'ACTUAL_TEMPERATURE')

A full list of all available methods provided by the Homegear API can be found in the wiki of the Homegear project.

Communication protocols

Gearthonic supports different communication protocols to communicate with your Homegear server. Set the protocol while initialising the client:

from gearthonic import JSONRPC
gc = GearClient('', 2003, protocol=JSONRPC)

The default protocol is XMLRPC.

Any protocol can accept additional parameters. You can supply them while initialising the client:

gc = GearClient('', 2003, secure=False, verify=False)

For a complete list of available protocols and supported parameters look at gearthonic.protocols.



If you set secure=True while initialising the GearClient, the client tries to establish a secure connection to the server via SSL. It’s highly recommended to use SSL for the network traffic. Otherwise the communication is not encrypted.

If you are using a self signed certificate, you can skip the verification of the certificate. Set verify=False while initialising the GearClient and the certificate won’t be verified. But keep in mind: that’s not suggested!